• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

March Madness X vs. RPF

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital – Hey Vikings! On Sunday we finally faced off against the Rebel Penguin Federation for March Madness X. The battle was intense, fighting in the Docks, Inside Mine, and Snow Forts. We did a very good job with tactics, forms and speed. Without further ado, lets see who turned out victorious!

Max: 41

Room 1: Docks

Room 2: Inside Mine

Room 3: Snow Forts

Thanks for all the event pictures!

Congrats to these folks who got promoted after the battle!

♔✰ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ sᴀᴡʏᴇʀ!!!✰♔

Even though we lost against RPF, we still did a great job holding our ground during the battle. Judges noted that WV did well at points where we were covering or held through a bomb. However the size gap was just too much to ignore. If we had more troops online, we would have had a better chance. However, there are still more opportunities in the future for another WV win!

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