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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 01/15 – 01/28

Welcome back to the Ocean Oracle! Formally left off in September, we are now officially bringing it back. It’s been a bit busy for us Vikings, events, retirements, new recruits, etc. However, no matter what, we still have things we need to cover, so let’s get into that will we?

So, reintroducing:

Frostbite Observer

Brought up in June of 2022, it is finally making its reentry this weekend, with of course, this post!

With Frostbite Observer, we review the week of our army, but in this case right now, the past two weeks. But before we begin… of course we have to show off our ranking on the Top Ten this week!

Now let’s get into the introduction!

Frostbite, Ocean Oracle HQ – Welcome to the Frostbite Observer!

For the first week, the Vikings had come back after being gone for 2 months, making their entry back into the public on January 15, 2023.


─────── WEEK 1 ───────

[EU] The Return Of Water Vikings

Original Post Made By: Rookie

Max: 27

We returned on January 15, 2023, maxing a total of 27. If anything, this was a very good, successful, but also fun event for everyone as we were battling up against our allies, the Ice Warriors.

[EU] Vikings Stranded At Dock

Original Post Made By: Cait

Max: 21

The second event of the week the Vikings took off to the docks, where we practiced different formations, as well as brought back some old tactics.

[EU] The Troops Take The Viking Wheel

Original Post Made By: Mabel

Max: 25

With the revival week, we thought it was a good idea to throw in a troop U-Lead, letting others take the wheel from here.

[EU] WV Shows Off Its Fashion!

Original Post Made By: Dino

Max: 20

To end the week off, we hosted a fashion show… of course after the event though! If you’re curious about the winners of the themes, you can check the link of the post, they are there!

─────── WEEK 2 ───────

The second week of our events was a short one if I’m going to be honest, but was still very fun for everyone, including myself!

[EU] Training On The Berg

Original Post Made By: Mabel

Max: 18

To start off the week, we took it to the berg to practice some more tactics and formations.

[US] Switching It Up

Original Post Made By: Mabel

Max: 19

Our first US event since our revival! We took this event to three different rooms, all practicing different X formations in each one of them!

[EU] Painting The Forts Blue

Original Post Made By: Mabel

Max: 19

And finally, to end the week off, we had one last training at the Forts, once again practicing a few different formations here.

It’s great to see this come back finally! I hope all who read this enjoyed it, and are looking forward to more in the future. Until next time!


Viking Commander & Ocean Oracle Head

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