Site icon Water Vikings of CP

A Statement from the Water Vikings

Hello Army Community

Due to recent events within the community I have watched armies throughout the community align themselves with suspicious individuals both former and current. Mostly everyone has stood idly by and allow these scum to sink their claws back into the community through alliances and giving them basic relevancy that they should not have. These actions must be stopped immediately before people are harmed once more by people who were thrown out of this community for that exact reason, because what they did brought severe harm to people. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, funny enough Xing and I agree on something for once. I did not think I would be the one to actually have to write something about this but if it brings attention to the issue and stops it, its a win for the community.

The Water Vikings hereby declare it will not recognize any army that associates themselves with the Recon Federation of Club Penguin as apart of the Club Penguin Army Community.

We ask that all armies publish a similar statement, because these people can not be allowed back in.

On another note, I saw a couple days ago that a few individuals decided to revive Club Penguin Army Central. This needs to stop IMMEDIATELY. I echo Funks statement which you can read here. This illegitimate revival is a stain upon what is considered by many people within the army community the greatest media website to exist in Club Penguin Army history. The people who made CPAC what it was, a media powerhouse, would frown upon such revival without permission from any significant figure associated with CPAC. As a former CPAC staff member and close friend to the Bluesockwa brothers, the greatest media duo to ever exist, you need to stop this before you taint it’s history.


Aaronstone Viking Commander/Legend

Kingfunks4 Viking Legend/CPA Legend/Former CPAC CEO

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