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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 6/19 – 6/25

Frostbite, Ocean Oracle HQ ─ Welcome to the Frostbite Observer!

For this week of Frostbite Observer we’ll be going over our 6 events of the week. Definitely a bigger step compared to what we had last week! Congratulations to the following troops who have been promoted:

Now onto the post!


As previously said, we had a total of 6 events this week. 4 of which were EU’s and 2 being AUSIA’s!

[AUSIA] Battle Training


Max: 19

We started off the week with an AUSIA event, maxing 19!

[EU] On Tuesdays, We Eat Tacos!


Max: 24

We later ended off the day with an EU event to celebrate Taco Tuesday!

[EU] Filet-O-Fish, Here Is A Post By Dish


Max: 22

A suggest event by me ofc, the fish filet!!!

[EU] The Vikings Successfully Liberate The Sapphire Mines!


Max: 22

For this event we battled against Help Force! You can read more about it by clicking the link in the title of the event.

[AUSIA] Training Event


Max: 20

Our last AUSIA event of the week! This was a pretty good event.

[EU] Just Some Totally Normal Training!


Max: 24

Andddd that was our last event of the week! This week was really successful and we didn’t have to cancel any events. Good job to everyone and again congratulations to those who got promoted!

Now onto some memories of this week:

And that’s the Frostbite Observer for this week! Hope you enjoyed it!

Fear The Wave!


Vice Commander

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