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11 Years of the Water Vikings: My Personal Message

Water Vikings of CP - Fear The Wave!

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Empire – It has been a while since I have posted on this website, and while I have not been fully engaged and active with the army as I have been in the past, I have been more than impressed with our exploits. Every troop, staff, HCOM and leader in this generation is the reason we have been able to keep going and make it to a simply remarkable 11 years – and in some ways this has been the most impressive of our 11 years.

A History of the Water Vikings

The Water Vikings, as you may know, have a deep and rich history in that time span. Back in 2010-12, the Water Vikings started out as a strong medium army that emerged as a regular within the community. Jed Pen and Zak, followed by iconic leaders such as Bepboy, established the army as a name that everyone knew. However, it wasnt until 2013 where the Water Vikings would then begin its journey to one of the very best armies around. In what was known as the ‘Blue Summer’ of 2013, the army would reach major status in a memorable summer under the leadership of numerous people such as Dashing Snow, Zak, Bep, Aaronstone, Myself and others. This would become a reoccurring theme, as the army would regularly reach major army status until its initial closure in 2016. In fact, throughout 2014-2016, the Water Vikings would go weeks at number one and establish itself as the most powerful army around.

The most memorable moments of our history in the original generations included reaching consecutive Legends Cup Finals, with a controversial defeat to the Rebel Penguin Federation, as well as reaching the Christmas Chaos Final as well. On top of this, we had some big wars in our time, including when 6 armies as part of the ‘New Dawn Alliance’ decided to invade the Water Vikings to challenge our number one status. Incredibly, the Water Vikings managed to survive the onslaught.

Legends Cup V Final

Fast forward to 2020, and we see the reemergence of the army with the so-called ‘COVID-boom’. Loads of ex-legends returned, and eventually we would reopen the army as we rebranded the Golden Guardians. It was the right decision to reopen the Water Vikings, as we could expose the armies’ history to a whole new generation of CP Armies that did not know about us. Not only that, but we would reach sizes that we had not seen before as we reached sizes upwards of 60-70+ and challenged the established major armies.

2021 in Focus

2021 was a year to remember for us, and I was so impressed with how we managed to overcome the problems we faced at the start of the year, and the dip a month or so later, to become the stable and powerhouse army we see today. Under impressive leadership, the army managed to take on the Help Force and VA, in a drawn war, whilst also defeating the Templars in a seperate head to head war. We managed to win our first major tournament, which is an accomplishment no other generation can claim, in a highly impressive final victory against the Templars. This was an eleventh year that I am incredibly proud of.

New Members of the Hall of Fame

As part of the celebrations, I am glad that I can congratulate the recently announced new members to the Hall of Fame as ‘Greatest Vikings’, on behalf of the current leadership. Well done to the individuals below, as well as Revan and Aaronstone for their recent legend nominations.

Well done to these individuals, you truly deserve your place on the hall of fame.

As we move into 2022, I hope that it will be another successful year for the army. I am confident that the leadership, higher command, staff team and army as a whole will be able to continue the amazing effort you have put in, which will continue to honour the armies legacy. Hopefully, we can celebrate our 12th anniversary in style next new year.


Water Vikings and CPA Legend

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