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Ocean Oracle: Staff Pets PART 2!

Hello, once again Vikings! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Our last Ocean Oracle post was about our staff’s pets, but we decided to make another one for bringing back the Ocean Oracle! :E5: Let’s get to introducing some more furry friends!


First off is Bumu! The beloved ginger pet of Misty, one of our leaders in training! He’s definitely grown as you can tell!


Meet Tiltu! She belongs to Sofia, one of our 2nd in commands! Don’t know what she’s doing in the second picture, but she is definitely acting like a dog for sure!


Buster!! We all know who Buster is, but if not, he belongs to me, the writer of this post! 😀


Meet Nikko the beloved fluffy kitty of Alex! 😀

Kakatawa & Mia Mihtoo

Obviously one here is getting more attention in the server smh, but meet the birds of Seal! So pretty! 🙂

Finnegan & Lola

Rach’s pets are here!!! Meet Finnegan and Lola!

Winnie, Tanga & Luna

These 3 are making an appearance again! They all belong to Tomato! <3

That’s the end of this post here today Vikings! There weren’t as many submissions as last time, but it’s fun to look at some pets every once in a while!

What do YOU like about this post? Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments below!


Viking Lord & OO 2ic

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