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Weekly Water Recap [16-05-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Hello hello Vikings! It’s-a-me, Mooster! BooperZero1234 hath abandoned us, thus the recap is late this week ;-;

This week has been especially moist week; let’s dive in, shall we?

We kicked off the week with a rockin’ igloo party on Sunday to celebrate all the moms out there, especially our favourite GunMommy! We maxed 22 pengerlings, and Super saw the Void™!

On Monday, we had a practice battle with Racehorse Templars! We had lots of fun, and maxed 18 penguinos!

We then celebrated our Blue History with a Practice battle with the Ice Warriors! 25 pingus came to celebrate!

 On Friday, we held an AUSIA Birthday party for me!! DJ Clown Jorge made an appearance, and 23 flappy friends partied together! Thanks for the party guys!

Next, we had a U-Lead event, where our wonderful staff took the reins for a day! They did a great job, especially with the heart formation! We maxed 25 pangolins! 

Walk walk fashion baby work it move that thing WeeVee! Our Fashion Show was a huge success with 33 penguins showing off their style! Congratulations to Paragon9 for stealing the show!

We ended the week with with our lovely allies, Shiny Gray Empire! We climbed the summit, and also played Capture the Flag with them on CPR! Even though SE is just too good with the games, we had a lot of fun together!

Congratulations to b2xh8 for keeping his top spot! And Super the Booper for coming in second, with Alien coming in third!



The results for this week’s Top Ten as posted on the CPAHQ website are:

The Vikings went back up to 5th! And improved by about 6 points! Go us!

This concludes the Weekly Recap! Thanks for making it all the way down here! And thank you to every Viking who attended this week!
Until next time, Wet Vikings 


Viking Commander & OO CEO

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