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Top Ten Troops [16-05-21]

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital –  This week’s edition of the Top Ten Troops of Water Vikings is finally here, and yet again showcases the skill and dedication of numerous members of our Moderator team, read on to see if you made it!

1. Kiloz [+3] [36.26]
2. Mabel [+11] [35.17]
3. DragonX [NEW!] [23.82]
4. Jorge M [+3] [20.94]
5. Grey [NEW!] [18.43]
6. AlexNight [-3] [17.94]
7. REEKID [NEW!] [10.32]
8. Vio [+3] [9.87]
9. Pydro [NEW!] [9.79]
10. Woezel [NEW!] [8.67]

<><><><>Close to Top Ten<><><><>
11. Fudge [+4] [6.64]
12. Tomato [NEW!] [5.64]
13. Chicc [-1] [4.16]
14. B2xh8 [-6] [3.86]
15. Dave [NEW!] [3.18]


get gud

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