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Weekly Water Recap [02-05-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – Hola Vikeens, it is I, Misty, once again taking over for le Booper who is just much too busy lately. Yes, I know, it’s late this week. C’est la vie. Now let’s dive into the recap, shall we?

Last week, both Cotton and Adden decided to step down from their leadership position, which has us all popping a chaddem milk to make the pain go away ;-; However, we saw the return of KingFunks4 as Interim Viking Commander for the week! We also Oreo and myself, Misty, promoted to the rank of Viking Commander! #MIREOTheInevitable 

And now, our events:

We kicked this week off with an AUSIA training event on Sunday to show everyone that AUSIA gang stronk. And boy oh boy we certainly showed ’em! We maxed 19 pengerlings!


In honour of the Funky man’s return, this entire week was dedicated to celebrating him and his CPArmies History, dubbed Funks Appreciation Week and KingFunks4 Takeover Week

On Tuesday, the Water Vikings (aka us) went against the Army of Club Penguin (aka our adorable allies), where we maxed 22 pingpongs! We finished the battle with joint formations which were super cute and totally cements the fact that BAE-CP earned that nickname :p

On Wednesday, we continued Funks Appreciation Week with Operation takeover. We dressed up in Ice Cream aprons in honour of the infamous Duck Takeover. 26 pengies served delicious scoops all over the island!

Our next event was Operation Federation on Thursday, where we celebrated the Federation Army which merged into the Water Vikings, causing the Blue Summer! 21 pengos dressed up in their finest red to celebrate this moment in history!

Saturday saw an AUSIA event take place to commemorate the Puffle Worriers Warriors reunion! We had 23 pangolinos and some interesting room changes :0

We ended the week with an EU battle vs Ice Warriors on Saturday, and maxed an icy spicy 22 pingus!

Other than Club Penguin events, we held our weekly chess tournament!

Our chess prodigy, b2xh8, secured first place yet again, with Paragon9 hot on his heels! Le Booper somehow managed to come in third place, probably paid someone.

And now, it’s time fooooorrrrrrrr…

The results posted by CPAHQ are as follows:

WV is staying strong at the 5th spot. If we push ourselves even harder, we might be able to climb higher :0

Thus concludes this week’s recap. Stay turned for more spicy updates!

See you all next week. Until then, attend your events and wear your masks!

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