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Weekly Water Recap [11-04-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Greetings Vikings! It’s me, Duperhero123. After a few week break from the Water Recap I am back to give you the analyticest and accuretest reminder of what our glorious and slippery army did from 4th till 10th of this month!

Our week began with an EU Civil War eventer on Tuesday between our two beloved divisions, Pacific (aka Chads) and Atlantic (aka Noobs). Pacific maxed 13 and Atlantic maxed 14, making a combined max 27 penguinos! Potassium declared that Atlantic won but he was obviously biased or joking, Pacific always wins. BIAS BIAS BIAS! PACIFICPHOBIA PACIFICPHOBIA PACIFICPHOBIA !

On Wednesday we faced the Icey’s Warriors in an exciting EU practice battle! We maxed 38 pengolinas and it was overall a very good and top notch performance :DD

The tsunami continued towards Thursday, when our staff got a chance to lead our legendary and truly wet army in an amazing EU U-Lead training session! We maxed 31 pangolians.

Friday was a sad day for the Watery Viking family. It was on that day that our beloved leader and life coach guru Guncotton held his last event before his retirement. His sexy strong indiant feet will be greatly missed. The eventer was an EU Color Wars-style traditional four-way battle against Salter Empire, Arm of Club Pangolin, and Helper Foorce. We maxed 22 pingunas!

On Saturday we held two events. The first was an AUSIA practicer battlor against the Solver Empire, in which we maxed 20 pangolins!

The second event of Saturday and last for the week was a US Civil War eventer  between our two beloved divisions, Pacific (aka Cool kids) and Atlantic (aka Dumbos). Obviously Pacific won, like Atlantic doesn’t even stand a chance. We maxed a combined 24 pingulians!

Outside Club Penguin, we held our traditional Chess game night on Monday. Result were as follows:

The WV Chess prodigy b2xh8 got the first place with 40 points :O. AyoTrashMan got the 2nd spot, and my brother Alien achieved the third placement! Congratulations to everyone who competed!

Now, without further ado, its time for the….

For this week, the results that were posted on CPAHQ website are as follows:

Good job Water Vikings for 5th place! Lets keep going strong like that :D.

So that concludes this weekly recap. Thanks a lot for reading all the way down here!

See you next week. Till then, attend your events and wear your seatbelts.

~Superhero123, Water Vikings Advisor

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