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Byebye Gun

Byebye Gun

You may be aware by now that our beloved leedur, GunMommyUwU, has retired from Water Vikings. After 8 years in Club Penguin Armies and 9 months in Water Vikings, Cotton decided he was too good for us and has stepped down from the leadership position. For his incredible dedication and service to this army, he has been bestowed with the Greatest Leaders role! Cotton has been a great asset to the army. He has helped shape this community into what it is today. Cotton’s amazing blah blah blah we know. 

Dangit you janky ass why’re you making all of us cry smh 🙁

Now, Cornton didn’t want to write some sappy 9 page retirement post, so when I asked him if he had anything to say, this was his response:

How eloquently put :wary: 

Since he has nothing more he’d like to add, I asked the staff if there’s anything they’d like to say. And boy oh boy did they have a lot to say. 

KingFunks4: Cotton has been the best AUSIA leader this army has ever had and he has led by example as an amazing leader in all aspects. I’m so happy to reward him with the greatest leaders position as he has earnt it for sure! Thank you cot

PJ:  Cotton, you’ll probably go down as one of the best leaders of this generation. I don’t think there’s another word to describe how I feel about what you’ve been able to do besides proud. Enjoy your retirement

Change: oh uh hmmmm cotton was a great leader and it sucks to see him go. hopefully he sticks around still

Adden: Cot, it’s been a pleasure to have led with you. The loyalty to WV you have shown is something to admire, and your hardworking attitude will be missed. Good luck with your classes!

Potassium: Cotton has been the best Leader this generation has seen, I hope him and his Wife Superhero123 have a fantastic retirement together. Farewell my friend! :wary:

Jack283: Cotton has been an instrumental figure in this generation of Water Vikings. You need only look at the ranks page to see the countless troops who will forever be indebted to Cotton for introducing them to this community. His legacy, although it speaks for itself, lives on through them and through all of us who carry the torch on from here. I wish you success in life Cotton, and I hope to see you again in the near future. Enjoy retirement and your status as one of the greatest leaders of this generation, and of WV as a whole.

Chey145: Cotton we’re really going to miss you! Tbh I really didn’t talk to anyone in WV for the longest time but you were one of the first people I actually opened up to, so I’m sad to see you retire. We appreciate all the hard work you have done for this army! We love you Cotton forever and always FEAR THE WAVE :wvsalute:

XOAbigail: I’ll miss ya man. I’ve known you for awhile, and I’m thankful for that. Best of luck to you irl, please remember to stop by sometimes!!! Who else am I gonna say mom jokes to?

Oreo: Cotton’s been both a great friend and leader to me and the rest of WV. We love you and will miss you cotton!

Sofia: Thank you cotton. Thank you so so much for everything you have done for WV and thank you for being a key-part of why I am a part of this community. Sure it was change’s vc leading that first got me excited about this silly club penguin thing when I first joined in september, but you, cottongun, are the reason i stuck around. You have always been my, and many others, go-to person when there was a problem or drama or any worries and the reason for that is because you actually genuinely care and wanted to help (or atleast seemed like you did lmao). I cannot express enough how much it meant to me when you reached out to ask how i was doing when times were rough. <3 You’re kind, smart, strong (at least your feet are) and hilarious and you make people feel welcome and safe. :’) Myself and honestly the whole of WV will miss you so much. I wish you all the best because you really deserve everything good in your life. ALSO im waiting for our boxing match so i can literally trash you : e9:

Superhero123: Cotton, you are bro for life and the best buddy I ever made both in CPA and on the internet in general. WV and SP were extremely lucky to have you as leader. I wish you all the best my lovely cottonuwu <3333333

Fedd: Cotton, I’ll forever be proud to have worked with you in WV, you have surpassed almost every new leader over the past year in terms of your contribution to this army and I doubt there will be another new leader of such a high calibre for quite some time. You’ve set the bar high in your tenure and through and through I believe that you are one of the most genuine people in this community. Out of everyone I’ve met over the years I can tell you that you are undoubtedly high among the ones who I greatly admire in ability and am glad to call a friend. Thank you for everything you’ve done for WV.


Dino: You’ve done a very good job as leader Cotton. Even despite being smacked down from the BIA drama or other issues, you remained loyal to WV. You have set the example of a very good main leader. Best of luck on your retirement Cotton.

Kiloz: i mean i don’t have much to say. other than ever since he recruited me i actually learned how to talk to people and actually enjoyed my time in this server the most

Claire: Hey bby, I’m really glad you drank that cold pepsi, I really am lol. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the army, from the bottom of my heart, we will miss you a lot, I will. You deserve every award and appreciation for sure. I would say that I won’t say much because you already know everything, cause you know how much you mean to us, but you don’t, so I just leave my most genuine thank you for everything you’ve done (and still do) for the community, for me as a staff and and as a person. I hope you have a good life and I’m sure I’ll be part of it as you are part of mine. For the last time… FEAR THE WAVE!

Df44: Thank you Cotton for always believing in me and helping me to grow up in the community, I’ll miss you 

AlexNight: Cotton has been a very nice welcoming person to everyone he has met.Once I gotten used to talking in chat I felt like I could go to him as a person to talk to. I felt like over the months I have been here in the server he has became one of my best friends and I would feel like his I can talk to him about anything and our friendship will never end. Also knowing that we can try to talk whenever we can and just be there for each other. Cotton thank you for being an amazing leader and an incredible friend who I looked up to as a staff member to become.

Jorge M: He’s cute. Quote me on that 

Mabel:i got smth to say for cotton u make me so mad that u left but ur my bestie brother so I guess it’s ok

It’s clear we all love Cotton, and we’re definitely gonna miss the Indian man screaming E9 MAD FACES every night, but unfortunately life goes on. We wish him all the very best in his future endeavors and hope he doesn’t stop sending those godforsaken Hindi Good Morning shitposts in main chat. Dang son why you gotta leave ;-;
Hopefully not for the last time…

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