Water Vikings Weekly Recap
Greetings Vikings! It’s me, dfSuperhero123! Let me be your guide while we go through the events Water Vikings held from March 14th till March 21st!
The week began with a training session on Tuesday to prepare for our upcoming March Madness tournament battle against our lovely allies Ay See Pee (ACP). We maxed 31 pengolinas!
Wednesday was Saint Patrick’s day and your favorite Watery Vikings couldn’t just stay idle! We held the fanciest and watery-est Saint Patrick’s day event possible. We maxed 35 leprechaun-dressed pengo! I am sure we made every Irish person proud!
The Water Vikings wave continued marching on and on Thursday we held an AUSIA training session! That training session was the best event of the week cause 1) it was AUSIA and 2) I was leading so objectively its the best :DD. We maxed 31 pangoins!

My impact on the event’s leading is evident on this picture.
Our next event was on Friday, and it was a practice battle against Help Force to prepare for the tournament battle against Ay See Pee that was in the following day! Help Force did actually help us by putting an awesome fight, and we maxed 35 pengolians!
Our last event of the week was our March Madness battle on Saturday! We fought against our allies Ay See Pee (ACP), one of the most legendary armies of all time! Everyone in WV should be proud of our performance on that battle, it was 🌟GLAMOROUS🌟 to say the least! Unfortunately the extremely biased and corrupt CPAHQ judges ruled the battle as a 1-2-0 victory for Ay See Pee (jk CPAHQ we love you xoxoxo <333). Getting 2 tied rooms against Ay See Pee was still a great achievement, and it was by far the closest battle we ever had with that army in this generation. It shows that if we keep going like that we are capable of becoming the top of the top! We maxed 50 penguins on the battle!
Outside Club Penguin, we held our traditional Sunday Chess game night. Result were as follows:
Big chess senpai master kramnik won the first place! A worthless noob with questionable political views whose name I wont even mention claims to have won the 2nd spot but in reality the spot belongs to Kingfunks4, our Grand Poobah and Supreme Overlord who attended such a Wee Vee Chess Tournament for the first time! What a goddamn legend.
Now, without further ado, its time for the….
For this week, the results that were posted on CPAHQ website are as follows:
Good job Water Vikings for 5th place! Lets keep going strong like that :D.
I still haven’t mentioned one super important thing that happened this week. Water Vikings Discord server surpassed 5000 members! Hurrayyy!
So that concludes this weekly recap. Thanks a lot for reading all the way down here!
See you next week. Till then, attend your events and wear your seatbelts.
~Superhero123, Water Vikings Commander
Filed under: Weekly Water Recap
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