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Weekly Water Recap [14-03-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Greetings Vikings! It’s me, $up3rh3r0123! Let me be your guide while we go through the events Water Vikings held from March 7th till March 14th!

The week began with the final battle of the war against tEmPlArS on Sunday. They were so scared after getting totally obliterated in the first two battles, that they didn’t even show up. Well that’s a lie, eChO their leader did show up, probably to study how an actual army functions. We maxed 45 pengolinas vs 1 tEmPlAR!

On Tuesday we celebrated our clear and decisive victory against that excuse of an army with a great Victory parade, maxing 45 vikinginos! What’s an interesting thing about this parade and the rest of this week’s events is that we retained our huge sizes even without the “ally help” that tEmPlArS had claimed was the only reason of our success.

Wednesday was a sad day though. It was at this day we host an event to honor the great Moses106, former WV Leader and the oldest troop in the army, who announced his retirement. Everyone in the Water Vikings family wishes him the best in his life. We maxed 40 penguins on that event.

Our next event was on Friday, when we fought our lovely allies Silver Empire in order to prepare for the great March Madness tournament! Our sizes fell but we still outnumbered SE with a max of 26 pengolinians!

Our last event of the week was our March Madness battle on Saturday! We were supposed to battle the Pizza Federation army but since they decided not to take part in the tournament we fought against a bunch of clowns the CPAHQ staff team, which we completely rekt in pieces (despite them selecting oddly obscure rooms to not allow us show our full might). We maxed 46 pangolians on the event!

Outside Club Penguin, we held our traditional Sunday Chess game night. Result were as follows:

This week’s chess tournament was the best cause I won first place! Rawr got second place after an impressive performance, and that loser jack two-eight-three claims to have won 3rd place LOLOL.

Now, without further ado, its time for the….

For this week, the results that were posted on CPAHQ website are as follows:

Good job Water Vikings for 4th place! We are so close to the top 3 now! We must keep recruiting and working hard, and we will manage to become the top of the top!

To finish the Weekly recap, here is the list of the 10 best Vikings of the week! Congratulations to everyone on it!

So that concludes this weekly recap. Thanks a lot for reading all the way down here!

See you next week. Till then, attend your events and wear your seatbelts.

~Superhero123, Water Vikings Commander

PS: We are absolutely gonna DESTROY our lovely allies ACP (pronounced Ay See Pee) this week on March Madness. Everyone keep working for the army, and victory is certain!

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