Site icon Water Vikings of CP

Top Ten Troops [02/07/21-02/14/21]

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital The first ever Top Ten Troops of Water Vikings sees an interesting mix of both staff and citizens of the Water Vikings empire.


Top Ten Troops

1. df44 [93.64]
2. Kiloz [93.27]
3. Rawr [75.3]
4. Dia [74.24]
5. Minty [72.9]
6. Oreo [62.22]
7. Matty [57.21]
8. Claire [56.56]
9. AlexNight [53.67]
10. P0ly [53.43]

<><><><>Close to Top Ten<><><><>

11. Thanatos [52.02]
12. Jorge M [50.67]
13. Pydro [50.29]
14. Almanackan [50.04]
15. Elixir Alpha [49.74]


Where did YOU place in this weeks Top Ten Troops? Let us know what YOU think in the comments below!


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