Site icon Water Vikings of CP

Weekly Recap (11/15-11/21)

Hey Water Vikings!

Here is a recap from our events for the week of November 15th to the 21st. We had 3 events, with an average max of 28.3. We held two practice battles against our allies the Doritos of CP and the Army of CP. We had a decent week with a high of 34, and a low of 25. Let’s continue our hard work and make sure we are preparing for the upcoming tournament! Make sure to take a look at #event-info for our upcoming events!

Avg. Max: 28.3

Highest Max: 34

Lowest Max: 25


No Events


No Events


EU Practice Battle against Army of CP

Max: 25


No Events


EU Training Event

Max: 26


No Events


EU Practice Battle against Doritos of CP

Max: 34

Fear The Wave.

-Sarahah, Advisor

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