• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders


Hi Vikings!

Today we logged on to battle the Elites in round 2 of the Legends Cup! We remained bigger than them throughout the entire battle by a minimum of 6 troops at all times and our tactics were great!

We’re off to Round 3 vs the Dark Warriors! Good work!

We maxed 43

unknown (32)

unknown (38)

unknown (41)unknown (39)unknown (33)

unknown (34)

Elites will what? Sorry, can’t see you!

unknown (35)

unknown (36)

Still can’t see you, Elites!

unknown (37)

unknown (32)

unknown (40)unknown (42)





22 Responses

  1. ayyyyyy

  2. ayyyyyy

  3. Nice! We should have won, though…

  4. Nice! We should have won, though…

  5. Attended

  6. Attended

  7. Fear the wave!

  8. Fear the wave!

  9. Good event

  10. Good event

  11. Real pog

  12. Real pog

  13. WV WV WV

  14. WV WV WV

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