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The Alabama Plan

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and army community:

With the World War finally ending, the community has been left in a weird position. If you want my honest opinion, whilst whatever happened on the battlefield might’ve been advantageous to us at the moment (though it is irrelevant regardless), we were truly embarrassed diplomatically. Ultimately no one won this war.

My priority will always be putting Water Vikings first—and it will be. But on the other hand, the community cannot be left in a much-to-be-desired state right before the Legends Cup tournament. If the community is not healthy, it becomes even more boring and WV as a whole also suffers.

WV should not be self-fish; we got what we really wanted from the World War (making sure ACP cannot over-expand and finally put an end to the nearly 2-year-long PIC-WV drama which was trivial in my opinion). We need to use our rare position to help the community.

* * * * *

Introducing the Alabama Recovery Programme, or Alabama Plan for short. This plan looks to be a tad similar to the real-life Marshall Plan in its efforts to rebuild war-torn countries. The following armies eligible for the plan are as followed:

* * * * *

* More might be done other than the mandated provisions mentioned.

Army of Club Penguin

  1. Gradual return of ‘Da Clam’ to the Army of Club Penguin;
  2. Finalization of the long-term non-aggression pact discussed back on March 31st;
  3. Launch of the “battle series” project in the next 3 weeks (if not less) without judges in order to boost morale, preparation for Legends Cup, and forwarding of “battle series”;
  4. Thawing of relations like originally planned; and
  5. Donation of 10 recruitment alts over a span of time.

People’s Imperial Confederation

  1. Gradual return of ‘Beanie’, ‘Warsaw’, and ‘Istanbul’ to the People’s Imperial Confederation;
  2. Eventual donation of ‘Ryback’ to the People’s Imperial Confederation;
  3. Finalization of the long-term non-aggression pact as pushed for in the now invalidated Treaty of the Peoples’ Attrition;
  4. Invition towards the “battle series” project after conclusion of it with the ACP;
  5. Thawing of relations after an awkward few years; and
  6. Donation of 15 recruitment alts over a span of time.

Special Weapons and Tactics

  1. Work on a long-term non-aggression pact;
  2. Invition towards the “battle series” project after conclusion of it with the ACP like planned in late-2022;
  3. Thawing of relations we were initially working on; and
  4. Donation of 3 recruitment alts over a span of time.

Templars of Club Penguin

  1. Work on a long-term non-aggression pact;
  2. Thawing of relations we were initially working on; and
  3. Donation of 3 recruitment alts over a span of time.

Napalm Corps

  1. Work on a long-term non-aggression pact;
  2. Work on creating positive relations with the new leadership;
  3. Have WV show up for a massive Napalm Corps event in order to help raise morale for them (to be scheduled); and
  4. Donation of 6 recruitment alts over a span of time.

Help Force

  1. Eventual donation of ‘Alabama’ to the Help Force near the end of the plan;
  2. Work on a long-term non-aggression pact to compensate the alliance;
  3. Invition towards the “battle series” project after conclusion of it with the ACP;
  4. Work towards event support on a more often basis rather than every month or two (as the alliance feels like a void at the moment);
  5. Donation of 5 recruitment alts over a span of time.

Distribution of the recruitment alt compensation.

I should clarify that the “battle series” are just exclusive to just those armies; other armies are also welcome to the idea. It was never meant to be an exclusive WV-idea. Moreso I’d like to set an example for future ones. It is not meant to be exclusive to allies vs. allies or anything of that kind.

We must put pettiness aside for a moment. No matter how toothless this war may have been, I believe for the security of the community, we need to support our brethren—even if they do not dislike us. Revanchism is the last thing we all need.

For the armies mentioned here: you are invited to be a part of this plan. We intend on delivering on our promises of benefits over a gradual period of time leading up to (or into) the Legends Cup. But in exchange, I cannot stress enough that this must go both ways. That means any non-aggression pacts mentioned must be signed. We need a clean slate.

I look forward to a great rest of the year. We have a chance to make some history. I’d love to see the first CPPS golden age down the road (without a pandemic) as golden ages tend to be birthed at the decline of World Wars.

P.S. Our alliances are still the change. We still retain our alliances with Elite Guardians and Rebel Penguin Federation after World War IX. As mentioned though, the Blue Sunset Alliance has dissolved.

Authorized by,

Viking Commander & Acting First Minister

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