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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 06/05-06/11

Frostbite, Ocean Oracle HQ ─ Welcome to the Frostbite Observer!

For this post, we’ll be focusing on our SEVEN different events that took place everyday! These events were very fun, but also beneficial, and the staff and I are proud of everything that made these events as successful as they were! Bravo!

Now onto the recap!


As we know before, we had a total of 7 events this week! One taking place every single day, but on the last day we had two, an AUSIA event and an EU event!

[EU] WV Kickstars Summer Growth Project


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This event started off the week. It was a very easy event, we focused on tactics such as emotes, word bubbles, and formations!

[EU] Icing On The Cake


We had a surprise meet-up with Ice Warriors for this event! We focused on trying not to disconnect when we met up, only going into the room with an emote bomb instead of a word bomb, and it honestly seemed to work pretty well for both ends!

Max: 23

[EU] Tactic Trainings


This event was a huge one for us! We managed to hit 31 penguins from our army online in the same room! Congratulations to us!

Max: 31

[EU] Formation Training


Not much about this event. But we did get some special Templar visitors to watch us! Hope you enjoyed the event TEE CEE PEE!

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[EU] Gearing Up For Upcoming Battle


What battle you may ask? Well you will find out in a second!

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[AUSIA] Training Event


Our first and last AUSIA of the week awh…. but we did pretty well at this event, size wise and tactic wise! Good job everyone!

Max: 23

[EU] End-of-Week Practice Battle With SWAT


Our very last event of the week! Thank you to SWAT for letting us PB with them! Y’all are awesome!

Max: 23

Thank you for a wonderful week! Now onto some pictures that staff have collected…


Vice Commander

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