Site icon Water Vikings of CP

[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 08/21 – 08/27

Hey Vikings! For this week we’ll be going over our total of 4 events for the week!

Before we start here are our Top Ten results:

Good job on going up a place and getting 5th this week Vikings! And congratulations to the Among Us army for getting 8th place!

Now onto the post!



Max: 15

To begin the week off, we had an AUSIA U-Lead, maxing a total of 15!

[EU] Squid Takeover


Max: 23

For this event that took place a few days after, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds as squid, maxing a total of 23!

[EU] Tsunami Incoming – A Warning For SWAT


Max: 29

We crashed this war training before our first war invasion with a huge tsunami, maxing 29!

[EU] Invasion of Breeze


Max: 38

And to finally end the week off, we had our first war invasion against SWAT, who ultimately didn’t show up, but we maxed an amazing 38 online that day!

Now… before we end this post off, let’s share some scrapbook moments for this week!

Disha is short so thats why this is funny

Xing in Water Viking uniform?? Impossible..

Legion breaking rule 7…

Fedd stressing Aaron out by assigning himself leader smh..

Tsunami warning 5 minutes away from you!

Icequeen is mommy though!!!

That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading this post! : D


Vice Commander & OO Head

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