Hi Vikings! Today, August 2nd, we logged on to CPA Battlegrounds, server Ice Breaker, room Iceberg to show everybody our favorite foods! We dressed up as delicious apples, pizzas, strawberries, oranges, candies and a bunch of other yummy foods and practiced neat formations and massive bombs. It was an appetizing event and due to our big max we had a nitro giveaway 😮
Thanks to all the people who joined us! Make sure to keep an eye open for our upcoming events: Ausia U-Lead and the great Battle vs Ice Warriors! You don’t wanna miss out, gonna be fun!
Max: 26
Thank you again leaders, HCOM, staff members and soldiers who made this event happen!
And a special shoutout to Dino, Villa, Seo, Starkk and me for taking event pics! Keep it up <3
The Tide Is Rising!
Viking General