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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 05/29 – 06/04

Frostbite, Ocean Oracle HQ ─ Welcome to the Frostbite Observer! Previously known as the “Weekly Recap“, it has been well over a year since we’ve done this Ocean Oracle column. Why did it stop? I don’t know honestly, but we have chosen to bring it back!

The Frostbite Observer will be going over the week with the events! Starting off from the complete start of the week and ending it off with our last event of the week. Make sure to read the post in its entirety─ we have some stuff in store for you. 😉

Written by Mabel

In total, we have had 3 Club Penguin events this week, but they were still engaging with tons of jokes! Below you can find out more about this week’s events!

[EU] Practice vs. Ice Warriors


Max: 22

This event was very fun, minus the multiple disconnections we had. Congratulations to Ice Warriors on their anniversary! We love you! ♡

[AUSIA] Formations Training


Max: 17

This event was mostly for practice. Shout out to Xing thought for giving us his love and support! And shout out to Disha for writing the wonderful post for this event, who is also our new Co-Head for Ocean Oracle!

[EU] Training Event


Max: 21

Another training event, thank you to everyone who attended this event! Especially our allies! We loveeee you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by Dino

With the website technical issues now dealt with and with the return of the “Weekly Recap” as the “Frostbite Observer“, I have taken the liberty of consolidating Top Ten Troops into FO.

First order of business─ I’d like to reveal the welcoming factor. This has been something debated for months, and after some tweaking, we have found a proper way to incorporate welcoming into Top Ten Troops. If you’d like to see last week’s Top Ten without the factor, click HERE. I’d also decided to do some quality-of-life changes.

Read below for this week’s Top Ten Troops!

─ Top Ten Troops of the Week ─

1. Disha [NEW!] [58]
2. Paddy [1↓] [37]
3. Claire [NEW!] [25]
4. Pogchampo [6] [24.5]
5. Cait [NEW!] [17.5]
6. Pingoboiii [1↑] [16]
7. Mabel [NEW!] [10.5]
8. Klutzy [NEW!] [9.5]
9T. Sip [5↓] [9]
9T. Izuno [NEW!] [9]

~ Close to the Top Ten ~

11. Aphrodite [] [7]
Pixie Prizzy [NEW!] [6]
Gary the Great [NEW!] [6]

For the calculations of the 17 troops, click HERE.

~ Statistics ~

Biggest Climb: Disha
Biggest Fall: Sip

Best Welcomer: Claire
Best Recruiter: Disha
Best Chatter: Paddy

Unfortunately due to this post being relatively rushed (at least the Top Ten Troops portion), no descriptions have been written for this week. We will be experimenting with some changes next week.


We hope you enjoyed this post and our new input into Ocean Oracle! This is a very big change and we’re hoping this will help with the Ocean Oracle posts as a whole.

Until next time, we’ll see you next week Water Vikings!



Vice Commander



Vice Commander

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