Addressed to the USWV,
New Frostbite, Ocean Oracle HQ ─ Greetings Water Vikings, and welcome to Top Ten Troops! This was a column by the Ocean Oracle back in early 2021 but was discontinued due to leadership changes. However, as I have had some free time recently, I have decided to make the call of bringing this back. These changes have been done, however. The previous formula was very wonky and biased mostly towards recruitment (which prevented many troops from even being placed).
I’d like to announce that we will be using a new formula based on event attendance, types of events attended (event quality), messages sent in general chat, and people recruited. Obviously, I will not be revealing how the formula exactly works but this creates a good balance. With that being said, I’d like to introduce the first-ever top ten of 2022 Water Vikings!
─ Top Ten Troops of the Week ─
1. John Doe [─] [46]
2. AlexNight [─] [37.5]
3. Pandor [─] [33]
4. Fudge [─] [28]
5. Aphrodite [─] [24]
6. Cait [─] [23.5]
7. Minty [─] [20.5]
8. Oreo [─] [18.5]
9. Chey [─] [18]
10. Cat [─] [17]
~ Close to the Top Ten ~
11. Tomato [─] [16]
12T. Darci [─] [14.5]
12T. Alien [─] [14.5]
14. Klutzy [─] [12.5]
15. Pacfizzy [─] [11.5]
For the calculations of the 15 troops, click HERE.
John Doe was this week’s best recruiter along with the overall best troop score-wise. AlexNight and Pandor were our two most active troops in the main chat. AlexNight had the most amount of event quality for attending every available event along with allied events. This week has been very good, although recruitment seems to have slowed down (possibly due to the Christmas break). Attendance was mostly good for last week’s 3 events.
What do YOU think? Did this new formula change turn out to be better? Do you prefer this type of examination in Top Ten Troops posts? Do you think John Doe deserved to be this week’s best troop? Let us know in our Discord server or website replies below. Fear the wave!