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Weekly Water Recap [06-06-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Hi Vikings! Mabel is back and bringing you guys last week’s weekly recap ;). We had quite a lot of events that happened in such a short week, so let’s go over them!

To start the week off, we time traveled back to 2007, where tactics were given IN GAME! So, in this Battle vs ACP, instead of switching between Discord and CPR, we actually kept our eyes on Oreo for the tactics, meanwhile ACP, who we were battling up against, payed attention to Mchappy for their tactics! We maxed a total of 16 penguins!


For our second battle of the week, we had battled against the Ice Warriors! You can’t tell because of our similar colors, but we are doing the popcorn emotes ;). We maxed a total of 25 DARK BLUE penguinos!


Our first AUSIA event of the week! We literally committed a crime and impersonated Aunt Arctic but guess what? STU CAN’T STOP US! They gave us her hat in the catalog, and you know what the Water Vikings do? Impersonate others ;). We showed off our awesome looks to ACP, and personally I think green looks better on us, no hate ACP. We maxed a total of 21 Aunt Arctic’s!


Later that day we actually had a very heart warming event, a special event for Cotton and Moses who have both returned back to the Water Vikings, Cotton returning as a 2ic! But guess what!? THEY DIDN’T SHOW UP! HOW RUDE!? We maxed a total of 25 Cotton and Moses praisers but now I’m sure they are Cotton and Moses HATERS!


Our second and last AUSIA event of the week, we had our Sushi Takeover! Can’t say much because I didn’t go, but I guess I’ll put a random fun fact here to fill up space. I have never eaten Sushi and in fact I HATE FISH! Hah >:). We maxed a total of 20 sushi eaters, yuck.


After our Sushi Takeover, we had another event later that day, our PRIDE PARADE for Pride Month! Before this event, we did have a battle up against the Templars, but they’re lame so I’m not gonna put any pictures up of them. In fact, I can’t tell because the image is blurry, but I don’t see any Templars at the Pride Parade? Kinda sus… but we did max 13 penguins at the battle!


Our last event of the week! Why was this week so slow? Whatever, for some reason these stupid puffles were about to die so we had to rescue them. Kinda lame, but we waited and threw around some tactics here and there, which is weird because these puffles are on the verge of death? Guys we gotta save the puffles first and then do tactics! We maxed a total of 27 people who decided to DO TACTICS FIRST and not save those puffles. I’m the cute one in the bottom middle under the pink penguin 😉


CHESS CHESS CHESS! B2 takes the gold yet again! Alien outshines his brother (sorry Super) and Paragon9 takes the third spot! 

The results for this week’s Top Ten as posted on the CPAHQ website are:

We climbed back to number 5! And improved by 1 point! Go us!

Until next week, folks!


Viking Guard & OO Skald

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