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The Ocean Oracle: Pets of Our Staff!

Hello again Vikings and welcome back to another post for Ocean Oracle! You may be recognized with some of our staff member’s pets, especially if you look at our emotes, but do you know about ALL of our pets? Probably not, so let’s introduce them!


Bumu is the pet of one of our former leaders, Misty! You may recognize him already by our emotes, but also because he loves to cause trouble during our own events! How rude!

Oreo & Marshmallow

Oreo and Marshmallow are another one of our former leaders pets, Oreo! Don’t get the hamster and the leader mixed up. Unfortunately, they both passed away, but I’m sure you can guess where Oreo got the inspiration for her name!

Rocket Maggie

Meet the furry friends of Pydro’s, Rocket and Maggie! These two are too underrated, so let’s give them some love! :EH:


Some may recognize him, but here is Jorge’s pet, Cub! He has a cute smushed face :EH:


Here is Sofia’s fluffy little dog, Tiltu! As you can tell in the picture, she is telling you to get into event vc!


Buster is Mabel’s pet! He’s recognizable if you’ve looked in the emotes, since he has a special one :busterwvdog:

Squishy Eddy

These two are Minty’s pets! I think they’re both very cute, Minty! 😀


We got some guinea pigs in our army! These adorable little ones belong to Tomato! 🙂


We have another orange tabby among our staff members! Meet Dexter, he is Cait’s lovely pet!


Awh he looks so happy! This little guy belongs to Vio! 😀

I hope you all enjoyed looking at these pictures of the pets from all of our wonderful staff!

What do YOU like about this post? Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments below!


Viking Chief & OO Skald


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