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June Catalog Secrets


FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital Hellooo vikings!! Welcome to another edition of the Ocean Oracle! A new Penguin Style has been released for June on Club Penguin Rewritten. It contains tons of summer and music themed items and I will be showing you all the secrets inside the catalog! (And if you need coins for all these cool items, use the code FORBROKEPENGUINS for 10000 coins 😮)


Page one has five items: the Saturated Sombrero, Saturated Poncho, Pair of Maracas, Orange Flower Bikini, and the Blue Quilted Vest.


Page two has six items: the Icy Eyelashes, Twilight Lei, Music Jam T-Shirt, Starlet Eyes, Fishing Vest, and the Starshine Makeup.


Page three has four items: the Boombox, Blue High Tops, Orange Fade Hoodie, and the Color Splash Hoodie.


Page four has five items: the Holo DJ Suit, The Holo Headphones, The Fuchsia Fringe, The Funktastic, and the Straw Fedora.


Page five has four items: the Rainbow Hoodie, The Rainbow Curls, The Rainbow Sweep, and the Western T-Shirt.


That’s it for this months catalog secrets! What do YOU think about these hidden items? Let us know in the comments below or on discord.


Viking Commander & OO Skald

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