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Weekly Water Recap [25-04-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Greetings Vikings! It’s me, Booperzero123! We had a quite eventful week, that even included a victory in yet another war against the tEmPlArS. Lets see dos events!

Our week started with an AUSIA training event on Sunday where we maxed 20 pengolians! It was followed by an Ice Fishing tournament where Cottonuwu, Chekoz and Oreo claimed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively!

On Tuesday we hosted an EU training session. We were expecting the tEmPlArS to come and raid, but they were proven even more of a joke than what we anticipated. We maxed 29 pangolins!

The tsunami continued towards Wednesday, when our war against the tEmPlArS began! Our first battle was a US defence, in which we got a draw. We maxed 22 pengos!

The next day we hosted our first invasion of tEmPlArS where we easily destroyed their weak EU division. We maxed 18 pengolinos!

At night we had our second US defense against tEmPlArS, where we unfortunately lost in overtime. We maxed 20 brave pengoin warriors though!

On Friday we had our second and last EU invasion against tEmPlArS, after of which we declared victory! We maxed 17 bengos.

On Saturday we had our last event for that week, which was the EU Spring Showdown Battle against the Icecube Warriors, Helper Force and Army of Club Pangolin! We achieved a maximum of 17 pingus.

No Chess Tournament was held this week unfortunately due to the tEmPlArS war.

Now, without further ado, its time for the….

For this week, the results that were posted on CPAHQ website are as follows:

We climbed back up to the 5th spot! Congratulations to all vikings who attended events this week!

So that concludes this weekly recap. Thanks a lot for reading all the way down here!

See you next week. Till then, attend your events and wear your seatbelts.

~Superhero123, Viking General (2iC)

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