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Weekly Water Recap [18-04-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Greetings Vikings! It’s me, Herosuper123! Another watery week came to its sad end. However, what matters is the events we made along the way! LETS SEE THEM.

Our week started with an EU training event on Monday called “Operation Kingdom” (I wonder which goddamn brit thought of this corny title) where we maxed  22 pangolians!

On Wednesday we faced SWAT (aka cops of cp) in an epic really close EU practice battle in which we achieved a maximilian of 21 pengos bengos.

The tsunami continued towards Thursday, when we had another EU practice battle against Help(less) Force! We maxed 20 pangolins.

Our last event of the week was yet again an EU practice battle, this time against Ice(cube) Warriors! We achieved a maximum amount of logged in virtual blue-skinned pengolins wearing viking hats equal to the number portrayed in the arabic numerals system as “22”.

Outside Club Penguin, we held our traditional Chess game night on Tuesday. Result were as follows:

The WV Chess prodigy b2xh8 got the first place once again! He was followed by Lupodes, a new competitor with impressive skills and in third place we got Misty, our hated beloved 2iC!

Now, without further ado, its time for the….

For this week, the results that were posted on CPAHQ website are as follows:

We experienced a small drop to 7th place, something expected due to all those retirements recently. We will be back stronger next week! Also huge congrats to our allies ACP for achieving 1st place, a really amazing achievement!

So that concludes this weekly recap. Thanks a lot for reading all the way down here!

See you next week. Till then, attend your events and wear your seatbelts.

~Superhero123, Viking General (2iC)

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