Site icon Water Vikings of CP

[EU] Color Wars

Hey Vikings! 

Today, on 9th April 2021, we logged onto Ascent on CPR for the Color Wars battle! It was a 4 way battle between the Water Vikings, Silver Empire, Army of Club Penguin, and Help Force! We fought our way through the Dojo with ACP, the Docks with HF, and the Stadium with SE (darn that stupid floating egg). 

Today’s event was special for 2 reasons: It was a rogue battle, which meant all the commands were given on CPR. No text or vc leading in Discord was used. The second reason today was special is because our beloved Leedur, Mr. Strong Indian Feet himself, Guncotton has retired (brb crying). Gunmommy celebrated his last event today after 8 years in CPA and 9 months in WV. He will be missed, but more on that later.

We have 2 events tomorrow, an AUSIA battle with Silver Empire and a UK Civil War battle! Make sure to come for both!

Max: 22

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