Site icon Water Vikings of CP

[EU] Second Invasion of Templars (Declaration of Victory)

Hey Vikierinos!

Today, on 23rd April, 2021, we logged on to Ascent on CPR to invade the Templars once again. We battled inside the Mine for a short time before the Templars chickened out YET AGAIN! Since they ran away with their tails between their legs, this battle was declared a Victory to the Water Vikings!

As much as we adore winning, it’s just no fun battling against someone who can’t take a war seriously. If you’re gonna declare a war, at least show up, right? Apparently not, according to TCP :wary: Since they don’t even have the common courtesy to finish what they started, We Are Victorious! The final war score is 2-1-1 (W-T-L) in favour of WV!

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