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Top Ten Troops [28-03-21]

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital – The seventh edition of the Top Ten Troops of Water Vikings is finally here, and yet again showcases the skill and dedication of numerous members of our Moderator team, read on to see if you made it!

1. Oreo [0] [139.9]
2. Kiloz [0] [57.12]
3. Rawr [NEW!] [47.3]
4. Ph [+5] [41.24]
5. df44 [+0] [38.22]
6. Jorge M [+0] [34.39]
7. Cazz [-4] [18.59]
8. Dragonx [-3] [17.04]
9. Alexnight [-5] [13.09]
10. Claire [-2] [12.45]

<><><><>Close to Top Ten<><><><>
11. Minty [+4] [15.14]
12. Fudge [NEW!] [10.6]
13. Woezel [NEW!] [9.5]
14. Lqbazzz [-1] [9.44]
15. Pydro [-4] [8.18]



1. Oreo: Oreo maintains their position at first in our list this week. Extremely active in the chat with high event attendance scored them close to first place alone. Combined with welcoming 269 troops this week, 50 of which successfully enrolled in the army, and recruiting 2 new troops gives Oreo a score greater than twice the second place!

2. Kiloz: Once again Kiloz features at second place in our list. A previous winner of the Top Ten, Kiloz maintains the highest score for activity and hyping this week. Having welcomed an additionl 22 troops to Water Vikings (2 of which were successful) and recruiting 1; Kiloz gets a well deserved 2nd place in our list this week.

3. Rawr: Rawr makes a long anticipated return to our list this week. The first ever winner of our Top Ten (back when he was a low ranked troop), Rawr has come a long way in recent weeks. His activity is second behind Kiloz and having welcomed 19 troops to WV this week, he certainly deserves 3rd place on this list.

4. Ph: The highest ranked troops on our list this week; Ph has been extremely active in WV for the past few weeks. Attending a large number of events this week and being the most active troop has earned Ph his position at 4th in this list.

5. df44: Maintaining 5th place again this week is df44. One of the most active staff members of WV; df44 has surged through the ranks in recent weeks; grabbing 1st place in this list before. Having 30 staff welcomes and 6 new recruits; Df44 is among one of the most consistent troops in Water Vikings.

6. Jorge M: Another immovable object; Jorge maintains his position of 6th in our list. His activity is likewise remarkable and with an impressive 23 staff welcomes this week; he’s managed to outdo himself once again. Jorge has one of the best event attendance records in the army for the month of March.

7. Cazz: Currently on leave; Cazz has impressively only fallen a small bit from his rank last week. Since he joined WV only weeks ago; Cazz has quickly jumped up to the rank of Viking Staff Trainee due to his activity levels and skill for recruiting new talent. This week he’s missing his usual recruiting boost having been on leave; but has still maintained 7th position due to his activity, hype and attendance.

8. Dragonx: Another recent addition to the Water Vikings ranks; DragonX too has quickly jumped up the ranks. Currently a Viking Staff Trainee he is renowned for his active event attendance and hyping. Having high levels of activity and attendance has placed DragonX at 8th on our list for this week.

9. Alexnight: Another staff member who is known for her hyping skills, AlexNight has been a consistent feature in our Top Ten list. Her activity has dropped slightly this week, resulting in her falling a few places from last week’s list, but having been one of the most consistently active troops of WV for the month of March, we’re sure to see her climb back up that list in due time!

10. Claire: Falling two places this week, Claire finds herself at 10th place in our list. Scoring one of the highest scores this week for hype, Claire will be disappointed to have dropped from her score last week. With 11 new troops welcomed and 1 recruit, it’s certainly a commendable score, although still a far cry from what she is capable of. Claire scored very highly on average across all top tens for this month.


Where did YOU place in this weeks Top Ten Troops? Let us know what YOU think in the comments below!

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