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Water Vikings Quarentine/Summer Awards 2020


Hey Vikings! It’s that time of year again, the 2020 Summer Viking Awards! Here are the rules for the voting; which will end on Sunday, September 6th.

Please note that all events occurring after our reopening in May 2020 are being considered as “Summer”.

1. You must cast a vote in all categories

2. You may only vote for one of the options in each category

3. Please cast your votes down below in the comments OR in the #summer-awards-voting channel on the discord! 


Let’s get started! Click “Continue Reading” below for the categories!



Best Leader

The best leader award is in the name itself. We have had many leaders during the summer and all have been spectacular, but who has been the best? The eight candidates for the award are listed below.


Best Owner

We have had many owners over the summer, who have stepped up the plate in recruiting and assisting the leadership when needed. The owners are a key to the army and are future successors to the current leadership. Not every owner is up for nomination, with the ones serving for the longest up for the award. Please note both Fedd, Clifford and Bluey are being considered for their work before their promotions to leader.


Top Troop

Of course the troops are the key part of the army. Without the troops we are nothing and the efforts you have put into the army are the main reason we have reached the heights we have seen. The troops that are up for the award have been hand-selected as the ones who have been the most impressive.


Noobiest Noob (this is for the jokes)

While some people may put on their noobiness, some may actually be noobs, it is something to be proud of as without these types of peoples armies may become boring and stale. However, who is the noobiest of noobs?


Worst Retirement

Several people have left the army over the summer and have been a blow to us, and everyone on this list has been key to the success of the army. This award is asking you to pick the person who has had the biggest impact with their retirement from the Water Vikings.


Most Incredible Event

We have held many sensational events, that have had impacts across the CP Army Community. Most of the big events have been in the Legends Cup, with our amazing run to the final. There, however, can only be one most incredible event.


Biggest Screw Over

We have been denied some things over 2015 by other people, such as Legends Cup success or top ten positions. There are not many nominees for this award, but it is still an important one.


To vote, fill out the following form. You do not have to be in the Water Vikings to vote.

  1. What is your DiscordName?
  2. What is your WV rank (if applicable)?
  3. Best Leader:
  4. Best Owner:
  5. Top Troop:
  6. Noobiest Noob:
  7. Worst Retirement:
  8. Most Incredible Event:
  9. Biggest Screw Over:



WV Leader

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