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The Tide Has Settled – My Retirement

Hi all!

Well, the time has come. After a long yet successful career, it’s time for me to call it quits and move on with my life. Since I joined CPA in 2011 as a nooby 4ic in the Ninjas Army, I’ve come & gone a few times but what’s important is that I always came back, mainly for the thrill of leading and for the friends I’ve made in the community. Over the years, I’ve led many different armies and made many friends. Many of you who got to know me, and I’m so glad I got to know all of you. 

Click “Read more” for my final post.

I certainly hope we all got over the stupid little fights we had throughout the years and realize how unique this community was. There really wasn’t anything like it out there – and it was amazing. We made it all possible, and for that we should be proud. 

Now, before I go, I need to give a few thank you’s.

Probably missing a few but who the hell can remember everyone they were friends with anyway?


Now how about I stroke my ego abit;


I’d like to give a final thank you to all the people I led with throughout my career in CPA. Without you all, I wouldn’t have been able to have the amount of success I had. 

Lastly, I’d like to mention just how proud I am of all of us who were involved in the re-opening of the Water Vikings. We decided to come back one last time to lead our beloved army one last time, not knowing what we would be able to achieve. Leading WV for one last time was an absolute blast, so thank you to everyone involved. 

 I wish you all the best and thank you once again for making my CPA experience special. ❤️



Former WV, Pretzels, Marines, Air Force, Night Divers & Golden Guardians leader

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