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Hall Of Fame: Induction Announcements

It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the induction of three legendary Water Vikings leaders’ to the Hall of Fame, and two individuals to the Greatest Leaders list.

The Hall of Fame is a select club, and few people have made it into the WV HOF. This list is reserved for the most committed and talented people to ever be in the army. I am happy to say that Katie, Buddy and Pjayo have been inducted into the Hall of Fame, while Tymatt and Tes are now Greatest Leaders. Katie is the greatest female leader the army has ever had, leading some of our strongest generations, while Buddy and Pjayo were part of several of our most successful leaderships and were pivotal to the success of the army. Below are the bios for the inductees.

– Hall Of Fame –


Katie was an incredibly loyal owner and leader through some of the most successful generations of the Water Vikings, as she worked her way through the ranks. Katie became leader of the Water Vikings from 2015-16, where she effectively took over from the older leaders such as Buddy, Bepboy, Kingfunks4, Change and others. Largely leading alongside Jack283, Katie was instrumental in the success of the final two generations of the Water Vikings. The army managed to stay relatively active and successful over the winter of 2015/16, for around four months, a time of year not typically successful for the army in the past, reaching the Top 2. The army was temporarily shut down by the Panel of Godfathers, but eventually returned in the summer. In this summer period Katie and Jack managed to lead the Water Vikings to the top spot on the top ten for nearly three consecutive months. In the summer of 2016, the Water Vikings truly cemented their position as one of the greatest armies of all time and Katie was pivotal to the success of the army at this time, due to her drive and commitment towards the success of the Water Vikings.


Buddy first joined the Water Vikings as a 2ic in August of 2014 when he merged Air Force into WV. Instantly, the army saw a boost in size and became a top-tier CPAC army with the help of the merge. He was quickly made a leader to lead alongside other well-known veterans such as Dashing Snow and Bepboy9. Buddy, alongside the other talented leaders led the Water Vikings to success against armies like SWAT and the Doritos in war, all while managing to stay in the top 5 of the CPAC top ten. Buddy returned to lead the Water Vikings in September of 2015, where he led WV to a victory against the New Dawn Alliance alongside Change, Bepboy and Kingfunks4, in which they consistently reached sizes of 40-50. He returned to the army for a third time to lead in January of 2016 and kept the Water Vikings atop the Top Ten standings until the army’s lockdown in April. In June, the Water Vikings made a return with Buddy leading the force alongside his fellow leaders, where the Water Vikings remained the #1 army on the Top Ten for a majority of the summer and saw peak sizes of 80+ and were consistently hitting sizes of 55-60 throughout the summer. Finally, in May of 2020, Buddy led the army for a last time and reached sizes of 40+ at their opening event. Buddy has consistently been known as a strong leader, who is great at handling and mentoring troops as well as his diplomatic skill to make and keep peace with other armies.


A man of much to say but needing to say little, Pjayo is often called the most “hardcore” leader of the Water Vikings, often making up his mind quickly and jumping into action. His first tenure took place during the now infamous 2nd Blue Summer of 2014, where he would lead alongside BrassAssDash, Change, Bepboy, and Zakster, bringing WV into a position of almost absolute power. While lacking in the department of recruiting, he is still more than capable on the battlefield, where his analysis of a battle was unparalleled, and has only been honed with time, as, during the revival of this legendary army in May of 2020, he would prove time and time again he is able to adapt to almost every situation, knowing when to preform various tactics and when a formation is needed. This, combined with his almost unparalleled negotiation skills and administration prowess, has secured his place among the greats in the Water Vikings.

– Greatest Leaders –


Led WV in 2015 during one of their most successful periods including when they got CPAC 1st for the very first time. Also helped WV win multiple tournaments and was a mastermind in their Secret Service operations.


Tes was twice Water Vikings leader, following Kingfunks4 from the mass exodus of the Ice Warriors. He helped to bolster the leadership and sparked the domination of top tens and tournaments.

Congratulations to those who have been inducted and I hope more will be included in the future.

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