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Into The History Books: Legends Cup VI Final

On August 23rd, 2015, just over five years ago, the Water Vikings had their biggest battle in their history to date, when they faced off the Rebel Penguin Federation in the Legends Cup VI, – the sixth edition of the Legends Cup.

The Legends Cup is the most historic competition in CP Army history, few armies have reached the final in its nine year history and success has defined many leaderships and armies. The Water Vikings began the tournament bottom of the small and medium army top ten, before a rise sparked by new leadership saw the WV over the course of the summer work up to the biggest and top ranking army. We were not expected to reach very far in this tournament, as we faced the Cobras in the first round.

Even from the start, the Water Vikings had tough competition. The Cobras were constantly getting sizes of above 20. In the space of the week we had beaten the Cobras in the SMAC Down tournament (which we would go onto win), and then face them in the Legends Cup. The judges ordered a midweek rematch, after they initially said Cobras won despite being more than half of the WV size. After they did not decide a winner, due to a raid from Purple Republic, the rematch took place on the Tuesday and the Water Vikings smashed it with sizes exceeding 40.

In the Quarter-Finals we would continue to face tough opponents in the shape of the Dark Warriors. DW were top of the top ten at this point, while we were up to 4th. This was an incredibly tight battle, with both armies having similar sizes of around 40+, but our superior tactics meant that we would win in a tight 3-2 judges vote to move onto the Semi-Final.

It was expected that we would face the Doritos in the Semi-Final, who had overtaken the Dark Warriors as the biggest army, but after several rematches the Blue Miners Army, who were ranked just below us in 5th, upset the odds to reach the Semi-Finals. After a similar road to ours to get to the final, it was a battle that would see one reach the final against the odds. In Pre-Battle, we had sizes of 50-55+ and had nearly 60 on chat, while the BMA had roughly 30+. These sizes were historic for our army. We dressed in red for this battle, with BMA in Green and won both rooms in a 5-0 judges vote.

That victory would then bring us to the Legends Cup final for 2015, against the Rebel Penguin Federation who had beat the Army of CP. By this time we had managed to stake the claim as the biggest army around, thus making us slight favourites to win the battle. We managed to max sizes of 80, a new high for the army. The battle took place for around one hour, across four rooms. The judges said that WV won the Cove, RPF won the berg and the forest was a draw – meaning an ‘overtime’ was needed to decide the winner. This overtime took place in the Ski Village – with WV creator Zakdude having the final vote to sway the result 3-2 controversially in RPFs favour – despite the seeming dominance of the Water Vikings in this battle.

It was arguably the most controversial Legends Cup result of all time, with anger and disappointment from the WV leadership because of what they saw as a misjustice in the result. While we did not officially win it, our run to the final was historic and memorable for the majority of the CP Army community. It was a proud moment for us to all remember.

Lets see some more of this this year?

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