Site icon Water Vikings of CP

The Day The Sun Didn’t Rise

On the 30th of August, 2015, WV Intelligence discovered an unfathomably evil and corrupt agreement between 5 jealous armies. Proclaiming themselves as “The New Dawn Alliance”, their first act of cowardliness was raiding our beloved Capital, Frostbite.

This alliance consists of 5 barbaric armies: Army of Club Penguin, Dark Warriors, Doritos, Ice Warriors and the Rebel Penguin Federation.

They couldn’t beat us on their own accord, the cowards decided to group together and try to topple us from the top. The Water Vikings will NOT allow such cruel actions.

We are disappointed in this community, any sense of pride and humility this ancient community once had, has been washed away by this alliance’s actions.

These cowardly armies and their corrupt leaders only share one thing in common, their power-hungry mind.

This alliance will crumble. The noble Water Vikings army will shine through their barbaric actions and once again prove we are the best.

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